
Speaker Details

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Walter Driesen

Walter Driesen is a technologist with over 20 years of experience in executing and managing R&D projects and programs in the fields of autonomous navigation, robotics, operator assistance and Industrial IoT. He joined dotOcean in 2022 as a business development manager striving to leverage the company's technological legacy related to automation and data services into innovative products for vessel automation, fleet management and maritime surveillance, creating customer value in terms of productivity, flexibility, safety and security.


COLREGs-compliant autonomous navigation – sea trials in the MARSUR project

This presentation reviews solutions for autonomous navigation and captain assistance which involve automated support for situational awareness (AIS, radar, lidar, camera), autonomous navigation, autonomous collision avoidance according to COLREG rules and autonomous docking. The review demonstrates how this technology has been tested in virtual environments, harbor trials and sea trials with the MARSUR project.